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bronze eagle statue
bronze eagle statue
bronze eagle statue
bronze eagle statue

Soaring Bronze Statue

Item #:BMJ1117
Size:72" H. x 64" W. x 36" D.

The bronze statue depicts a majestic bald eagle soaring gracefully through the sky, capturing the essence of freedom and power. Its wings are fully extended, forming a broad arc that emphasizes the bird’s immense wingspan. Each feather is sculpted with precision, from the large primary flight feathers on the tips to the smaller ones along the body, creating a realistic sense of texture and movement. The subtle curve of the wings and slightly lifted tail suggest the eagle is gliding on an unseen current of air.

The entire statue conveys a sense of motion, evoking imagery of boundless flight. Whether displayed on a pedestal or as part of a larger installation, this sculpture symbolizes liberty, strength, and vision, making it a powerful artistic statement in any setting.

All of our statues are 100% bronze and cast by hand in the Lost Wax process.

Call us today at (877) 528-2531 for more information about our bronze eagle statues.

Gallery Price: $14,000.00
Your Price: $7,950.00
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