In this bronze statue, a heartwarming scene unfolds as a young girl delicately pets the flowing mane of her beloved pony. The girl’s face is aglow with affection and wonder, her small hand reaching out to tenderly stroke the pony’s mane.
The artist has captured the innocence and purity of the moment, with the girl and her pony enveloped in a serene atmosphere of trust and companionship. The pony stands calmly, its eyes reflecting a sense of contentment and quiet understanding as it basks in the gentle touch of its young friend.
As onlookers gaze upon the statue, they can’t help but be drawn into the tender moment shared between the girl and her pony, evoking memories of their own cherished bonds with animals. It’s a testament to the enduring power of love and compassion, captured in bronze for all to admire and cherish.
All of our statues are 100% bronze and cast by hand in the Lost Wax process.
Call us today at (877) 528-2531 for more information about our children statues.