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Bronze lion statue
bronze lion statue

Lioness Bronze Statue

Item #:BMJ94535
Size:28" H. x 59" L. x 15" D.

The bronze statue of a lioness standing exudes elegance, strength, and grace. The lioness is depicted in a poised and alert posture, with her body slightly elongated as if she is surveying her surroundings. Her muscular form is sleek yet powerful, with finely sculpted details that capture the natural contours of her body, from her lean, powerful legs to the strong shoulders and back. Her head is lifted, with a sharp, focused gaze, as if she’s scanning the horizon or watching over her territory. Her ears are perked up, adding to her alert demeanor, and her mouth is closed, giving her a calm but attentive expression. Her tail curves gently behind her, balancing her elegant form and adding a sense of natural flow to the composition. The overall sculpture captures the lioness in a moment of stillness, yet her powerful posture suggests latent energy and readiness, embodying the balance between grace and strength. This bronze lioness represents both the beauty and the power of the wild, standing as a symbol of quiet strength and vigilance.

All of our statues are 100% bronze and cast by hand in the Lost Wax process.

Call us today at (877) 528-2531 for more information about our bronze statues.

Gallery Price: $7,250.00
Your Price: $5,850.00
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