Bronze Statue Buying Guide: How To Buy Bronze Statues in 2020
We’ve already covered important topics like how to care for your bronze statues and where to place bronze statues in your garden, but what about buying bronze statues and statues in the first place? A bronze statue is a significant part of your home decor and one that will last forever. Naturally then you want to be careful before pulling the trigger on a bronze statue purchase.
This guide will help you focus on the key areas of buying a bronze statue, starting with…
Size Requirements
First thing on the agenda? Size. The beautiful shiny bronze statue needs to fit in well with its surroundings. A statue that’s too small (relative to its surroundings) will not look impressive enough and one that’s too big has the risk of not even going through the door in one piece.
The first step to determine the size requirements is to find the best place for your statue. If it’s in the garden, make sure there is no overhang (buildings or trees) that can block the statue. If it’s inside the house, measure the height and width of the doors and alleyways to ensure the statue can actually reach its destination in one place.
Another thing to note is that the bigger the statue, the more prominent it would be. If, for some reason, you do not want your statue to overshadow the surrounding decor, go for a smaller size that blends in, instead of one that stands out.
Style of Statue
A bronze statue or statue is an important piece of the decor that speaks volumes of your tastes, preferences, and interests – so you must choose a style accordingly.
Different statues will have different design elements that drive different styles. When you start your search, you’ll quickly begin to notice similar trends in designs, aesthetics, and style in statues from similar time periods and cultures.
If you’ve got a good grip on the various art styles from different cultures and eras, you can search and sort for bronze statues by their time period or culture.
For instance, Asian bronze statues are often of native animals, mythical creatures, and even meditative pieces that create a zen-live environment. On the other hand, the late 19th to 20th century gave the world bronze statues from different schools of design (and thought) like modernism, art deco, and art nouveau – each of which have their own characteristics.
Of course, in the end, you should buy one that you enjoy looking at, one that you won’t get bored of.
Originals vs. Reproductions
Originals are bronze statues or statues that are the first of its kind (or design) and reproductions are replicas of those original statues and statues. But here’s the important part – owning a reproduction is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s generally the norm since some originals can easily cost upwards of $100,000. What is bad however is owning a badly reproduced bronze statue or one that’s of low quality.
Also, do not fall for buzzwords like “vintage,” “older,” “signed,” “estate,” and “original” when buying reproductions since none of these words mean much. For instance, having a “signed” reproduction won’t make it an original and an “original” reproduction doesn’t mean anything at all.
Determining The Quality
A bronze statue is a piece that will be a part of your decor for years (if not for decades or centuries) so it’s important that it is made out of high-quality metals that stand the test of time. Here are some ways in which you can tell high-quality bronze statues from ones of lesser quality:
Look at the Intricate Parts
It’s much harder to get the small or more detailed parts of a bronze statue right when casting it. Areas like the face, toes, or hands are a great place to identify the quality and level of finish. Ideally, you’re looking for a shiny surface, with no holes (where they shouldn’t be), and a smooth texture.
Focus on the Patina
Flat or grey patinas are often a characteristic of low-quality casting. A high-quality bronze statue will have a rich, shiny, brown patina that’s uniform throughout the statue. Thick patinas are often used to hide the low-quality casting as well.
Don’t Ignore the Proportions
Another way of identifying low-quality or hastily produced bronze statues is to pay attention to the proportions of the statue. For instance, if the subject of the statue is a person, look at the neck, torso, legs, and hands. If any of these parts are long or short enough to make the statue look odd, it’s probably not of very high-quality. Experienced foundries will always get the proportions right and you can expect high-quality castings from them as well.
Buying Bronze Statues Online
The Internet has made buying and selling a lot of things easier to buy and sell, including bronze statues. But there are a few things to look out for.
High-Quality Images
Always try to find a seller who has posted high-quality pictures of the statues for two main reasons. First, a high-quality picture allows you to inspect the statue a lot better, helping you determine the quality. Second, it shows that the seller is confident of his statue.
Reputed Sites
A low-quality picture shouldn’t be a deal-breaker if the buyer is from a reputed site. But you should be a little more careful if you’re planning on buying from online marketplaces like eBay. In fact, we recommend steering clear from any seller who hasn’t posted high-quality pictures of the statue or statue from different angles on these marketplaces.
Additionally, you’re looking for a site that offers easy returns so you if order a statue that’s just taller than your door, you’re not stuck with it.
Bronzeman is a company with over 25 years of experience supplying high-quality bronze statues and statues. It also ticks all of the above boxes. If you’re looking to get bronze statues for your garden, get in touch with us today! We have a wide range of bronze statues to choose from that’ll make your place stand out from the rest.